SAMSUNG BOT CHEF 1.0 I 2018 - 2020


We can all appreciate an extra pair of hands in the kitchen, sharing the burden of the laborious and repetitive tasks that go into creating delicious meals. First unveiled at KBIS 2019, Samsung Bot Chef is an AI-powered chef’s assistant – a “cobot”, or collaborative robot – that assists them as they whip up gourmet dishes. Bot Chef is designed to be easy to use and highly versatile, with a sleek exterior that hides its advanced mechatronics.


Users can interact with the robotic arm using simple and intuitive voice commands. Meanwhile, the underlying AI and machine-learning skills platform allows users to easily program tasks to perform using voice control, physical manipulation and app-based controls, thereby creating new “skills”. New skills can also be downloaded, customized and shared as part of the online ecosystem, providing endless possibilities in the kitchen. To stir a pot of soup, for example, a user can download the “stirring” skill from the skills ecosystem. Bot Chef can autonomously understand the location of objects, so the user can tell it where to find the spoon, and which pot to stir.


Extra pair of hands


Bot Chef is designed to work collaboratively with humans in the kitchen. It can read, understand, and assign tasks in recipes through natural language processing. Bot Chef is designed to use everyday kitchen tools and utensils. Sensors allow it to grasp handles firmly to stir or whisk, and also gently squeeze a bottle of sauce.


CES 2020


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